You might find it emotionally painful and physically demanding to sort through items that perhaps have not been disturbed in years. It is a specialized niche that requires tremendous skill to conduct a lucrative sale.
Any small items that are to be kept must be secured in a room or closet that can be closed off during the sale. Signage will be hung telling customers that area is not to be entered. Any large item can be marked “NFS” (not for sale) and remain.
No! All necessary supplies are provided with our services - tables, display cases, clothing racks, pricing materials.
No! This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when preparing for a sale. You may consider something “junk”, but that just might be a treasure to a collector or a diamond in the rough. Let us do the separating for you - it is part of our service. Please don’t throw anything away!
Everything sells! Donations can be made after the sale. Items typically donated (i.e. clothing and linens) are completely sellable!